How to play

The game follows a pedagogical approach to ensure intended learning outcomes

“I Hear and I Forget, I See and I Remember, I Do and I Understand” - Confucius


Keep your company profitable

Learn the fundamental game mechanics and fulfill customer demands with production orders (feel the pressure of the business)

CIS Sotenäs

Discuss and decide in groups

Handle materials, costs, prices and unplanned events (like supply risks)


Learn from your decisions

Calculate your profit and carbon footprint impact and reflect on your decisions

Business case 1:
Conventional sales
(1:45 hours)

followed by lessons learned
(30 Min)



Business case 2:
Remanufacturing and re-sale
(1:45 hours)

followed by lessons learned
(30 Min)



Business case 3:
Leasing and remanufacturing
(1:45 hours)

followed by lessons learned
(30 Min)


We go through all scenarios in one day, but are flexible to adjust with additional workshop elements.

What you get

  • Effective delivery of circular business principles and ”lessons learned” in shortest time by experiencing decision factors in a game setting
  • Ensured active involvement of participants through simple game mechanisms and less PowerPoint lectures
  • Opportunity to “break-in the silos” by bringing together people from different departments and backgrounds
  • Optional: Workshop elements as direct follow-up of the lessons learned from the game in order to let groups present their views on e.g., barriers, success factors, relevant metrics & KPIs, etc.
  • Optional: Certificate of participation

What you need to bring

  • A team of minimum 4-5 people (to cover at least one game set) to participate in the training for 1 full day
  • For best learning effect participants should cover relevant backgrounds of circular business, e.g. marketing, design, supply chain management, etc.
  • An open mind - there is not any preparation or pre-knowledge required

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